Hardened Target by Matt Krizan

Jenny’s heart raced as the building’s exterior door thunked closed and the interior door cycled open with a hiss. She passed through the quantum wave scanner, its familiar high-pitched whine setting her teeth on edge. 

A babble of voices washed over her, muted yet excited, as Jenny hurried past the armored sentries with their twin rifles lining both sides of the corridor. She found her room, took a seat, and removed her tablet and stylus from her steel-weave backpack.

Sunlight shone weakly through the reinforced windows, and Jenny sighed as she waited for the first day of school to begin.

Matt Krizan is a former certified public accountant who writes from his home in Royal Oak, Michigan. His short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in various publications, including Factor Four Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, and previously in Martian Magazine. Find him online at mattkrizan.com and on Twitter as @MattKrizan.