Signal by DJ Tyrer

He followed the signal. Was adrenaline flooding through his body? Or, was the thrill he felt entirely intellectual? Was the mind divorced from the body when roaming cyberspace, or was this nothing more than an illusion, an amazing metaphor?

Out of the net he knew it went, like a strange and coiling cave, dripping with viscous fluids. Strangely biological. More real than anything he had ever experienced when jacked-in.

He flowed down the data stream as if plunging into black waters. He felt lungs that were still back in the meat world burning with the sensation of drowning.

Too real.

DJ Tyrer is the person behind Atlantean Publishing and has been published in such places asFutures That Never Were (Broadswords and Blasters),and One Way Ticket (Starry Eyed Press), and issues of Awesome TalesBroadswords and BlastersPlanet Scumm, and Startling Stories.

Twitter: @DJTyrer

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